The Bang before the 4th of July

I recently gave a lecture on the eclipses of this present Cancer/Capricorn cycle, which is now ending.  While my readership is not setting any records, it does give me a record of my insights and predictive skill, particularly in the mundane area. So, I am going to give a summary of my thoughts from my notes.

The series of solar and lunar eclipses from the end of 2009 until now not only set off energy which is arguably an indication of larger shifts in our history, making this time a “tipping point.”  Review my past posts to get my thoughts.

However when one looks at the Sibley chart of the USA and looks at the eclipses during this period (2009 -2011) and add the opposition of Pluto to the Jupiter and Venus of that mundane chart and it is easy to see that our problems in so many areas of economic and diplomatic interests, and need for large changes due to the fact that these core eclipses at on the 8th and 2nd house polarity meaning we need to rethink ourselves.  Do we have the leadership and will?  Another question.

And there is the idea of the “bending” of an eclipse.  The bending represents roughly a 90 day, 90 degree  point where the transiting Sun squares the point of the eclipse and the nodes of the moon.  The Arab Spring and the great 9 earthquake are evidence of this way to see eclipses as little waves of energy and flow down and out in time are their own speed.  Add the square to Saturn and the depth of this “to the foundation” energy is even more difficult and profound.

What about the bending of this July 1, 2011 eclipse?  October 2 is the date.  One important issue is that Pluto is still opposing the US Jupiter.  The good news is that Pluto is moving on.  The Saturn return is over and the ole guy is looking to trine the US moon at the beginning of next year.  Jupiter in Taurus is at least in the house of work, though quincunxing natal Saturn.

In the easiest way to look at it, the world needs to get on a “12 Step” program.  And lets hope we are bottoming out so some real growth can come our way.

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