Chiron the Wounded Healer and Teacher

Let Me Tell You about Chiron-the Healer and Teacher

The first thing most of astrologers learned about centaur Chiron was that we really didn’t know what it was, but there is a number of bodies called Centaurs. It was too large for an asteroid too small for a planet, so it was named Chiron who was one of the centaurs group with an unusual orbit with a great mythological reputation. He is called the “wounded healer,” and “great teacher”, possibly with more emphasis on the first word in that phrase than second. But I think that misses the whole point! He is truly both. Let me explain. . ..

It’s true that even the happiest and (seemingly) most together people are dealing with private pain or feelings of inadequacy. But we’re trained to hide, downplay or protect what we feel vulnerable about, whether that’s a deep dark secret or a pervasive sense of unworthiness and shame. By being a great healer he can focus on mental and physical health. It more than a healer of our wounds, but also TEACHER who shows us ways to understand the personal stressed situation and teach ways to heal oneself. After all it is human nature to believe that anything that makes us feel less than great (or even just good enough) is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Without pain, sadness or a feeling of inadequacy, few of us would ever seek relief. I don’t mean the kind of “cure” that comes in a bottle, out of the frig are merely masks of the symptoms. Whatever our core wound is, answers come when we sincerely seek relief, we want discover the help it is to evolve in this teacher’s points of insight. See and understand where something in our own personal operating system is broken and it’s generally some limiting negative beliefs that have been buried deep in our psyche. To truly heal—and spiritually evolve—we need to shift out of that self-defeating mindset and embrace our brilliant essence, finding that sweet spot between self-advocacy and superciliousness.

Chiron’s function is to wake us up from the illusion of separateness, competition and anxious hopelessness we’ve unconsciously created or accepted and then guide us to do the soul-level work we came in to do. The reward for that is discovering and getting to joyfully pursue our soul’s intention for this lifetime.

Once we understand that our core wound isn’t a fluke or random mistake—it’s an essential ingredient in the divine, mysterious recipe designed to expand our consciousness—everything shifts. There are no more “winners” or “losers,” no victim-rescuer-perpetrator paradigm to escape from. Chironic healing teaching leads to the liberating awareness that nothing is happening to us; it’s actually happening for us.

Chiron teaches a type of our personal hero’s journey. The last of this note is to check out where Chiron is in your natal chart to see how it points where a potential long-term sensitive problem abounds. Or check where the transit is in your chart. You will learn about mythological and archetypal situations that Chiron will show you how his cycles are actually wonderful opportunities to do deep personal work. Look at the potentials for healing and transformation with Chiron in the your different houses and signs. It’s my hope that you’ll go on line and learn more. Or you can get a good professional astrological reading. You can find my phone number on this website (hint)!

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