When Will Covid 19 End?

There are a lot of ways to look for an answer to the 64 trillion dollar question. I have looked at this issue from a lot of angles and have decided that I would have to say starting in January 1 2021 is when we can see longer term answers to long term problems. This is not to say that there won’t be some kinds of attempts to reopen society. There most certainly will, but these efforts will be on a hit and miss basis. The greater overview and lasting response will come to be only after Saturn and Jupiter are both in Aquarius. Their conjunction at the 19th of December will mark when all these energies will be in the air sign of innovation for good. Jupiter for approx a year, Saturn for two and a half. These Aquarius energies will give ample time to get some serious work done.

Pluto, for sure will be still in Capricorn and his serious need to hack away at the older out style forms of energy will be one of the issues. What will be the future of oil after it has gone to being worth a negative zero. What will the world think when we have all seen how clean the world became after the pandemic shutdown and the skies were bluer, the air cleaner and the oceans and rivers clearer. I think that there will be a real push to get more environmental issues cleaned up. The question is: will there be the social will to do so. I would like to say yes and I firmly believe some advancement will happen, but the way people suddenly rush to open beaches with no eye to the environment makes one worry. Is there something that can really be done about the traffic, about fossil fuel. How much attention will the Green New Deal actually get??

I suggest that the way to see this is to look to Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, and Neptune in Pisces. Pluto is in the problems of Earth, Saturn and Jupiter in the sign of air, analysis and thinking, of innovation, and Neptune is in the water sign of spirit and inspiration. These are the things necessary to approach, think through, and inspire a concept or concepts that will bring honest change, change that will be difficult but a true turning point.

The Green New Deal will have to get more attention. The younger generation needs to step up. They have inherited a lot of serious problems on the planet–not to mention climate change, which must be addressed with some sort of united effort. Will mankind’s devotion to the flight or fight basis of the Lizard brain finally be controlled by the frontal cortex and new thinking overcome old animal territorial issues. For when will we get to the whole true issue in the core foundation of human beings on this planet. As W H Auden put it in his famous poem, 1939. “We must love on another or die.” Not to get New Age mushy, but the truth is the planet is dying, man is destroying it and using it as a war game. Suffering is still what most people get from an abundance which is not shared equally.

Let me say this, 2020 is the year of Shiva, the destroyer. Can 2021 be the year of the Phoenix, rising from the ashes into a new set of wings that will make the human spirit soar.

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