And then Came Covid19

A lot of my friends have asked me how is it that most astrologers did not predict the covid 19? Well, let me explain. Every astrologer on the planet expected 2020 to be a crazy and explosive year. There were lots of reports that the main event would be the conjunction of Saturn with Pluto on January 12 2020. The last time there was this conjunction at this time with both planet meeting in Capricorn had not happened since 1518. That’s right and just to fill you in on that time–it was the time that the REFORMATION started, releasing the horror of religious strife that would bring on things like the many wars over who had the correct religious focus and remember those who didn’t have this correct denomination would surely be sinners to those who did, and it was a battle as to whose religious theology was really saving souls. War was the way to find out. Enough said on the ensuing period of history which came to spawn the English and European problems in terms of the best religion. Also the slave trade really changed focus to Africa from the West Indies. African became the best sort of slave because they were stronger and worked better in extreme heat. Plus, since Columbus had just discovered a new world to exploit and conquer and fight over.

SOOO Back to what astrologers thought this historical concept of the results of the Capricorn cycle involved in 2020′s Saturn Conjunction of Pluto. Plus two eclipses, one right before the conjunction of the 11th. So astrologers all predicted an economic collapse, a stock market crash and the economic systems would all be in shambles leading to a great depression. That was what I thought. And the other idea was that there would be another war of some kind with Iran or North Korea or some other hot spot that would flare up. Actually it was Bill Gates of Microsoft who warned of an epidemic problem. But didn’t date when it would happen. (it was predicted in 2016)

Actually the only astrologer who did predict the plague up front was Ray Merriman Of ISAR who said there might be an epidemic of some kind in 2020 And he kind of threw that out after he had finished pointing out that the stock market would be in terrible shape an a new economics might be upon us.

So, actually the astrologers I know were about half right, the market did collapse and a new economic system would have to evolve, even a great recession. But, oh yeah, that virus.

What is amazing to me was how accurate the events happened during January 2020 was: it was then that the epidemic was wild in China, but went pandemic in late January, even though the president of the US was calling it a hoax. Then came the shelter in place lock-down and the whole situation is still in flux. Millions out of work, food lines hospitals full. The next questions was and will be when will this be over?

For me I don’t see how this can be over until December or longer when both Saturn and Jupiter will conjunct in Aquarius. This is not to say that there not will be times of getting things started, to get better and there will be another wave of the virus to deal with. Yet The vaccine and the real release will not, as I see it,begin until Jan 2021. At this point I will only say that Aquarius is the inventive sign of change and adjustment, of rebellion and individualism, of finding new ways to deal with things that deal with lots of people (the 11th house issue of a lot of people, new interest groups and ways to think of social responsibilities, and political foundations ).

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