Neptune enter Aries–Visions or War & Peace

Let’s Look at History for Clues–Neptune and Uranus Are Two Big Players in Politics and Explosiveness, Oh, Don’t Forget Revolutions, Even Civil War.  It’s a hard, hard and hot rain that’s gonna fall.

Neptune’s past tells us something about how what we might expect.

Discovered in 1846  Neptune appeared on the scene during a time conjunct the US Chart’s  Aquarius moon.  This was the beginning of the expanded and bitter States Rights movement which focused on issues about what was the power of the federal government in regard to trade, banking and oh yes, slavery.

This pressure worked in a variety of ways that we should look at. First there was a strong movement to free slaves (Aquarius’s ruler of this discovered Neptune – Uranus was in Aries at the time- as it is now helped) and the vision (Neptune) was starting to dissolve and seek to reshape the thinking about the US and the underpinnings of its values and projected sense of national self.

Consider that Pisces in the Sibley chart is intercepted in the third house, so actually we can say that Neptune was working on a hidden aspect of the actual revolutionary and freedom concepts.   How could a nation be divided ed by freedom and slavery?  This issue brought the North and South into great political stress.  The cheap labor force and the biblical support for slavery made the South feel it was entitled to this economic system. It was even decided in the consensus that slave were 2/5 a human in the count, since the Southerns did not want the white North by sheer white numbers take over the House of Representatives.

Sooooo, Neptune when it went into Pisces in 1847 then stayed in Pisces until  after the mid year 1861 after,the Civil War had started, upon which time it went into Aries, just to see the war done savagely and to screw up the reconstruction and the founding of the KKK.

The buildup to the war was marked by huge bills of compromise regarding this divisive issue of slavery.  New states had to be balanced, one free, one slave as they came into the union. Thus the principles of the Missouri Compromise was born.

Not to just keep beating a dead horse, but Neptune in Pisces with Uranus in Aries is the fuse to a powder keg down the road.

The States Rights and Tea Party — Neptune is back!

Isn’t it interesting that as Neptune enters the end of Aquarius and ingresses into Pisces that the same issues of States Rights and economic issues  headline the news. And we have all these wars of revolution in the Arab countries suddenly.  Does this astrologer/palm reader/tarot card reader/general mystic and true seeker of the good have any answers?

Well yes:  The global Village is about the get an even larger shakeup. The whole vision of unity around the health and saving of planet earth will be countered by the economic rising of workers wanting more wages and bringing huge shifts in world politics.

The revolutionary path of the Arab countries will prevail.  There may set backs but the surge of the human spirit, armed with desire and social networking systems (Uranus in Aries) will prevail, just as books and pamphlets fired the drive to free American slaves.

World wage slaves will want more money to live better, to emulate the lives that the electronic media has shown them.


During this Neptune ingress, the chart of the USA is having a Saturn return at the same time Uranus is opposing the progress US moon.  Pluto will make one more transit opposing the US natal Jupiter. More bad news to come for awhile, it seems.

In all this Neptune will quincunx the Mid-heaven of the US. This will make the US status, reputation and economic power, not to mention military use, will try to find a way through a maze of true Olympian (as of Mt Olympus) proportions.

In short we are entering into a very explosive time. Now that the Saturn-Uranus cycles, which by the way, started November 4, 2008, you do the math have ended in April (oil spill time just as Neptune was on the cusp of Neptune -water purity).  And the ingress comes just after Jupiter opposed Saturn–Tea Party challenges all economic and social policies.

Neptune symbolizes that this issues must be dealt with, compromises must be reached.  The issue of wars and how many and how long before this new world vision evolves is a difficult position to delineate.  Strangely, in February  Neptune starts to trining the Cancer planets (Sun, Venus and Jupiter) of the USA.  This is helpful as Uranus will just start to really get its squares working for Aries on the same planets, and creating a large explosive area–the politicians of the 2012 election.

The historical pattern is starting to become clearer. There is a hope that perhaps there will be a way to bring all this energy together in some form of whole.  Plato said that all of life was looking for wholeness, to knowing and understanding how we fit in society and the greater cosmos.  This is what is going to happen here.  We are going to try to see what will make us whole, what will bind us together as citizens on the earth.  This will not come easy, the way will involve more fighting and conflict, but down the road there will be something of a fragile beginning to a greater sense of humanity.

How can we have the brains to see our genome and yet be able to see a way to structure a human condition that offers more hope.

How can we put the miracles of science and health that are coming without having the insight of how to use them?

These are the issues of the new  Neptune energy. Is this part of the new consciousness that 2012 will give us?  Did the Mayans have a vision of a new consciousness that will evolve after the solstice of 2012 on the exact conjunction with the galactic center?  Lets hope! Lets hope something positive will happen and it won’t take its sweet time getting to the people of this expanding earthling population.

During the 1930s there was a similar energy, and it brought us and depression followed by the New Deal –that’s just what we need, a new deal for planet earth.

More to come as this transit settles in!

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