Astrology is not usually recognized as a forecasting tool when it comes to earth quakes. It is usually as hind-sight that some learned or wanting to look learned astrologer weighs in on the event and point’s out that the transits are as clear as a bell.
I may not be as learned as some–only one book and a few articles. However I was in Los Angeles for the big 94 quake which broke the 10 freeway only a mile from my house, which knocked out power, which had people in front of the closed Vons because they didn’t have the brains to have put aside something to eat.
The interesting fact of the 94 quake was that it was preceded by a series of small quakes. Well we are having quakes now. The coming eclipse cycle has 4/25 Lunar – in -Scorpio, AND the Solar (5/9/13) at 19 Taurus. AND a Lunar /5/24– at 5 Sagittarius.
Here is the problem to me, just your humble astrologer and palmist, this cycle envelopes the heralded 5/20/13Uranus square Pluto.
It would seem to me that this might be a time for LA to think because this Taurus solar opposes Los Angeles chart’s (22 Scorpio). by only 3 degrees.
Now this may not lead to anything, except it might well be a good idea to stalk up. It is unsettling that the Pacific Ring of Fire has been very active, as well as 7 point quakes in the desert, north of San Diego, and on the Mexican border. For anyone who has been in a 7 (or a 6.9) this is scary. The 3.9 we had yesterday made my heart leap. I remember the “big one.”
Oh that the earth had a palm that this palmist might gaze upon the fault line and know when the tremors would come. But let me say this, the Los Angeles are has fault lines everywhere. So what am I saying–just get the groceries into your house. Check the important glasses and other breakable, irreplaceable
It is just a hysterical scream on the mountain top, just a hint that the gods might be restless. I am no prophet, nor was meant to be. Just a voice and eye balls starring at the ephemeris and I don’t even like to do mundane. I like the helping the anxious heart of a client with job problems.