Mars An Energy Trigger! Each Month 2025

First: This Forecast Will Trace Mars as significant a action trigger from January 2025 – January 2026. You will want to return to this monthly to gain where it will cause actions in key sign for these six months.

Second: Lets take a definition of Mars key points as noted my teacher, the famous and author of six books: Marion March.

Mars: Element Fire, Natural sign of Aries, F First House ruler, fire of life. I am.
Fight or Flight.

Positive: Pioneering, executive, competitive, impulsive, eager, courageous. Independent, dynamic, lives in present, always active

Negative: dominating, quick-temper, violent, intolerant, hasty, arrogant, “me first”, brusque, lacks follow-through.

First sign of Mars Journey 2025

Mars starts retrograde in CANCER. Backs to 17 degrees, (1/24/2025)goes direct Enters Leo 4/19/2025. Two months and one week in cancer sign, Elements , Mars Fire and Cancer Water.

Mars is frustrated in Cancer which focuses on from domestic issue family, extended to clans, traditional political loyalties, yet sensitive manipulative, brooding maternal instincts to seeing people grow, or can be easily hurt, memory of emotional past, hits criticism, intuitive, seeks and give nourishment.

Look or emotional issues to be frustration issues may pop up as Mars pushes issues form identity to the greater issues of relationships and personal internal . The way others may bring and inner tension about both the attitude of others and your self. Love or romantic feeling could suffer. Family issue flare up. Even national issues may set you off
The best thing is that Mars may push you to get involved more, energic follow through or start working on things postponed or needed a strong attitude. Maybe an “ego cleaning” and looking at things need personal issues to positive directions.

Learn to “dance to different melodies with people, stand up when necessity and nurture people who you think need it. Look at your direction in life as with great distance, older life and where you want to be. Look at your family and how any things needs to be worked on. Forgive people for things said or done. Control impulsive responses as Mars can make flare ups. Consider family budget and how to deal with family expenses. This is a long transit two months and a week. Don’t rush this process. Two full moons lie ahead. Howl. Touch your animal self, feel it in your hearts.


Mars and Leo are both fire sign and together there is a lot of energy that wants attention, to be the dramatic center of attention. Whatever your position in life you want to make IT SHINE. Personal magnetism attraction is high and you can think big. You can be demonstrative and generous. Sexual awareness increases. Self-willed. . .you are able to get things going. You are warm, positive confident.

You must guard against too much ego. Try to not be dominating. Watch the temper over getting criticism or overly sensitive. Go with the Flow. Watchout for being stubborn and pout when things don’t go your way. Know your vulnerabilities and work with them in group decisions. Be humble and not brage too much, Help people and friends by being helpful in their life and projects. Encourage people to expand and move forward. Expand your positive attitude and spread it around.

Examine your money and budget awareness. Explore your facets of self. Explore development opportunities for ways to learn more skills. Maybe start a side job about something interests you. Hobbies give way tap your interest. Look a the business you see others doing.

Remember Leo the lion has the king of the jungle, maste;er hunter and ruler who exudes with courage, confidence, and strength. Plug yourself into Mars makes the lion roar


Mercury the ruler of Virgo does not work well with Mars. Simply said. There is a “getty up “and a” not so fast” dichotomy. Mercury frustrates Mar with attention to detail and structure, the true validly of input. Foundations depth and structure? This only slows Mars down as he want things in the “now” than in some analytical time consuming study of a proposed action .

Virgo loves routine, it works well by organizing things with priorities, it thrives to look at the interworking of every thing from engineering of the issue or mechanics. Often research makes this a time to look medical or psychological problems as Mars provides the “push” to either start of work hard on projects or intellectual basis of abstract thinking. Movies, best sellers, important books on a variety of levels attract attention for depth of content.

Mars and sexuality may be muted as Mercury can do more thinking about rather than doing. Conversely there maybe sexual concepts and experimental positions, erotic adventures. Still this is the exception to the rule. Strangle enough Virgo with a Mars transit could be a voyeur of and look at what they can see. Pictures, erotic literature, videos are more interesting. Don’t worry all this will change when Mars transits through Scorpio. Sex could be more involved and passionate.

Mars may promote more self-improvement, study, working on ways to get focused on the ways to change habits, or at least try as well a making lists of “to do” from yoga and the gym to make yourself improve your physical nature.

In short, Mars in Virgo rattles the brain in both the internal world and external. Caution is needed as compulsive thoughts or activities could show up to be trendy and dropped. How much of Star Wars can you watch? Or ignore your to do lists. Is this escapism simply a dodging on other things that need looking at and not
suppressing energy better spent.


Mars and Libra have a love and also not so sweet relationship. Frankly Mars is not interested in Justice, Liberal Arts, Venus as diplomat, “win – win” just flirting. Fair play. Don’t flirt, put the move on seeking actual erotic activity. Bad Libra can be a flirt in tight clothes, that nice naughty guy loves his notches on his belt.

Libra at its most primitive is justice in dividing up the harvest and measuring the portions people get. Or the taxes owed to the King. Weight of gold in trading purchases . Chaldean tablet more than anything relates to business deals.

Venus is the ruler of Libra. Ah beauty, love, socially smart, fashion plate. Love is limited in English when other language have just love, which can romantic love, love of family, brother (fraternity) love.

Libras are well known for having trouble making up their minds. Why because of the scales of balance. Ever tried working, even for your wight takes time.

Laws Justice Mars isn’t up for this. Want nasty law suit with people screaming at each other? Mars loves that stuff. It has always been that Libra women are the best dressed. My option. However beauty: art design anything with esthetic values come to Libra.

Mars in Libra will put a little beauty in your life form better furniture in your house, new dress, car. If it consider to be judged by esthetics. Best wedding dress, the red carpet walkers, diamonds- important to be talked about engagements. Architecture, hairdos, songs, love scene. GET IT. Librans are there with the scales.

Get out more, do thing museums, new restaurants, the good wine, ocean view, that movie. See the beauty of babies, moms, a new look, wash the car, paint a wall, try something different! You will love this transit.

However look out for cheat cheaters who will sell you that fake watch, forged painting. The sad side of these no morals people are feeding on corrupting the beautiful things you want, that you may have saved for for years.

Brave it all and go for the beautiful!


Mars LOVES Scorpio! For years and years back to the Chaldeans who named this red planet as its ruler. YET with the discovery of Pluto and atomic energy, Mars has been demoted to co-ruler. Scorpions are supposed to be the sexual dominate planet (which is reputed by other planets and signs).

Lets start with Scorpios have the memory of elephants. Every slight conflict is remember forever and will be revenged. People will be openly confronted. Each pound of flesh taken. Don’t mess with them. Give them wide berth. Yet Scorpios make excellent detectives. They can’t wait until they get to the bottom things—where the skeletons are buried. Also interested in death, will, inheritance, sex evolution of the self.

When mars hits Scorpio, start looking a erotic urges (to be enjoyed). Also time to review your deep feelings about death and end of life issues (got a will—oops os it fair? Any worries about a sibling or mother-in-law who might contest?)

While these guys can become great friends. Once your friend they will stand by you,, take your aside cry out to punish you enemies. They are fearless that is while they can be handled with caution.

During this transit look deep into yourself, good and bad signs. Know triggers that can piss you off. What is the difference between pushing stubbornly to a break through or beating a dead horse give it up. Change approach. Digging deep learn to honor your areas where you are growing stronger. See your evolution and growth. Look carefully at your money. Is it growing? Why or why not.

And yes look at your sex life at this transit. Is it truly great or are you stuck in a rut and not getting the joy and elation you desire. Using more porn than the real thing? Stop that. Get a new pony and get a new ride.


Sag is ruled by Jupiter the biggest planet in the solar system. Mars gives even more energy to enjoy. Sometimes Jupiter is like Santa, gives gifts of insight, expansion. Half horse haft man. He shoots an arrow up to the heavens. Aims for the stars, lets say targets and goals of growth and thinking big. Religion, god, the meaning of the big bang are at the top of the list. What is the source of the big over view. Why do different cultures function the way they do?

Enjoy the force of this fire to fire connection! Free up! Try not to be blunt even though Sag is often a gun slinger. Skip being impatient. You will come to understand even deeper and more insightful as you look back as see the journey life has taken you. This sign has Thanks Giving in it, black Friday, Mercury goes direct, along with Saturn and Neptune. Mars is happy in Sag, praise people for what they are doing. Be generous enthusiastic.

Try not to be too aggressive and butt into conversations to show off what you think and know. Listen, we all know you know a lot, but need to show it off. Don’t take chances, it is time to listen carefully. Don’t exaggerate too much. If you have a great way to understand life- have a guru, super intuitive, who has found a way that have to share, other people have there own ideas about these things themselves, don’t proselytize. I one met Tim Leary, a Star of the drop acid adventures and a Sag. All he talked about was himself and to spiritual benefits of LSD. Smart as he was his ego made him boring (at least to me. Look at both sides of the songs of Bob Dylan.

Paint the big pictures of the joy of life. Everyone has a journey to tell. And there is the holiday period coming up with the solstice in Capricorn.


Mars is in Capricorn, 21/15/ 2025, but in at 5 degrees when it enters. But at 12/22 it is 5 degrees from 0 CAP This give this solstice exceptional importance. It is rare! This next Mars – Cap within 7 minutes solstice conjunction happens in 21/21/ 2040!

With the conjunction this 2025 Mars will have a great input. There be the great trine of Jupiter and Saturn both sextiling Uranus and Neptune squaring Mars and Solstice point. Wow. Best advice – prepare for a quest for order in a chaotic world. 2026 will be a wild ride. Fasten seat belt.

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