While it might seem a little, well Plutonium like, to suggest that the time since Mars breezed through Aries that life has gotten a little, a darker. Pluto has been lurking about in his invisible cloak, but the effects of all this is now showing.
Pluto is money, Pluto is power for transformation, of the power of destroying to rebuild–remember that eclipse–the last eclipse of 2012? It was at 22 Scorpio. Everyone worried that the world would end. And it didn’t No even the rapture.
But there has been a lot of things going on–in that Pluto plus Mars, the two rulers of the eighth house have brought us eighth house times and change is the key, if you ask me. Lets go back to that 11/22/12 solar eclipse. It was just at the end of a strong Saturn/Uranus quinqunx . Uranus Aries and Saturn, Scorpio . Structure and Change started in trying to find a way to do that very thing. Change! If not the end of the world, how about a new insight, a place to steer the ship of state. And Neptune at home. And Saturn is in mutual reception with Pluto See how the 2013 plot was started there in the end of 2012 that coming up was a problem of how to change, what had to happen?
The Lunar eclipse had the year 2013 end at 6 Gemini. Following the time between the Solar and Lunar eclipses, were so many yods in different positions that thing had to have some “Finger Of God” FOG says it all. we left 2012 with every cliff you could imagine, the budget clip, the fiscal cliff, and the dark clouds of what change brings. We the Syrian place got worse.
We opened the new year with a spate of shooting, a bombing, yes just more blood letting everywhere, and Pluto and Uranus on May 20 square off again. In the long bout they keep slugging it out.
The question is what is happening? Drastic changes that will transform life on this planet. Weather, food (look at the commodities market.) The squeeze on the little people with the cuts in services. One wonders how sound the recovery from “Little Bush’s” disaster for eight years.
Where is the hope, just when the water issues are getting so front and center. The world’s population is drinking up the water that the commercial interests. This is the great news being delivered out of the great 7/9 eclipse, that big cardinal cross. I want to leave you with this thought as life tugs me into the weekend. I will return with some thoughts soon.
The key to meditation on until next time we meet is the mutual reception of Saturn and Pluto. There in I see the hope, see if you can see it too. Until we meet again. StarCrow, my new name in my alchemical group. Pluto’s veins have the gold, Saturn the lead. The task is to change the lead into gold, a leaden society into a golden one, ah I hear Plato calling.