Jupiter Going Direct

Good news:  Jupiter is going direct on January 13, 1913  (strange to write 2013, isn’t it!)

Jupiter is starting direct at 6 degrees of Gemini and will not start retrograde (again) until November 11th.  This is good news for all air and water signs.  Jupiter is in Gemini until June 25. This will give a boost air sign as the energy of the largest planet in the solar system will also trine all planets and points in Libra and Gemini.  On the whole it will provide the power and spirit to push ideas into action, to add a dynamic input at all levels.  Jupiter energy  encourages us to seize opportunities, to progress on plans of action or cognition, to be more aware of the higher elements of consciousness. In air signs it makes individuals to pursue  being progressive, mindful compassionate optimistic, even philosophical.

One has to avoid extravagance and conceit.  Sometimes the energy feel so good that we can procrastinate and put off what we are planning to do.  Being emotionally centered is the key making this expansive energy work for you. Don’t allow the more negative side of this transit to make you self-indulgent, compulsive or pretentious.  Also this transit can wreck havoc on diets.  Jupiter loves to eat and especially sweets.

For those who have planets in water, the transit in through Cancer activating Pisces and Scorpio.  The energy here is more in emotional areas, the look at more domestic issues.  Cancer is the moon sign and bring a sharp sense of nurturing and a psychic awareness.  This is a good time to follow ones intuition. Also emotional areas of focus will receive a lot of scrutiny and it is a good time to assess the emotional core that is so powerful in our personality.  It is also a time to look at compulsive habits and the underlying emotional energy that drives them.  Consider this like a wave at the beach.  It can send you surfing when handled with skill.  It can throw you on the beach with thunderous power if you are not careful.  Water is the most essential element for life, and let this time bring healing and direction for you.

It important here to point out that the house and sign of this Jupiter contacts will greatly enhance the emphasis of the scope of the energy in that placement.  Carefully look at transits, especially conjunctions which actually create a “all dressed up and ready to go” feeling, yet the where to go seems difficult, a matter needs more information, more direction, more awareness of the challenges of a project and how to overcome obstacles that may have arisen.

When Jupiter stations to go retrograde in November it will stay at 20 degrees from October 20th to Thanksgiving.  If this point is aspected in your chart, look carefully at other planetary combinations that respond to that degree.  Hard aspects will give energy to deal with challenges.  Remember squares of often maligned–when in fact it is the squares the push action. The sacred geometry of the zodiac is built on the square and the opposition.  Hard aspects make us get moving.

Take a good look at your chart and plan accordingly.

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