Well Mars and Mercruy RX

When Mercury goes rx on March 12, it starts rx in Aries and then on March 23 it backs into Pisces–and by sign opposes Mars.  This is such an exciting time for blood sport:  The Republican Primary will get even more intense, if possible. I watched the attack ads and counter attack ads and they are already a complete sequence of the dark arts.  How could they get worse, well, where there is a will there is a way.

On a personal note I want to tell you that this period March 12, through to April 4 will be a Mercury rx that we need to pay personal attention to , particularly in the realm of passions and anger.  This is a time to expect irritations to become twice as frustrating as normal.  From and astrological point of view consider that when a planet is rx it is closer to Earth than in its usual transiting orbit.  So with both Mars and Mercury closer and opposing each other, it will be a time to cope with a wide variety of problems as simple and as dangerous as road rage and people popping off for the slightest thing, to national or even international events.  How can the situation in Syria get any  worse, we may see.

But I digress.  Personally it is a time for Mindfulness.  I recently took a course in Mindfulness to refresh my mind and meditative practice.  I thought I was on top of my game, but this course by Mark Meusse, turned out to be one of the most positive steps I have taken in a long time.  I encourage all of you to consider taking a refresher  course as well.

I would like to suggest that this Mars/Mercury rx period is a great time to go over old frustration in your vision of yourself. Start the review early, go back to your first Saturn Square (7) and build from the there.  I am not suggesting that you do the whole Proust adventure in seeking time lost, the time was never lost, it is still with you, both in memory and the results of what you did and what you thought you were doing in the face of what you imagined to be your journey and the road that life gave you.

Surprising this adventure in vision also has some bigger astrological stuff happening here.  Mars is not only going to be opposing the sign of Pisces with Mercury backing into it, it will be within just a small orb of opposing Neptune, the ruler of Pisces.  Now this will put a lot of pressure between desire (Mars) and projected vision (Neptune).  It is happening this April.  So, what do you do?  Look at the Placement of Neptune in your own astrological chart.  and then the aspects of this Mars/Neptune opposition in alignment to your own configuration.  This where the plot will thicken.  Your natal Neptune symbolized the deepest vision in your chart–so what has been happening to this vision since the Saturn Square and what is happening now.  The key is to try to find some type of resolution that may be possible.  You may experience a lot of anger and rage, both at yourself for the decisions you have made is sacrificing or blurring the internal vision, or you may struggle with the things that life gave you that obfuscated the course you thought you saw and ere endeavoring to follow.

Rx: Review, Rethink, Rework, Recast, Re-envision, then April 13/14 start to enact your new vision.  Don’t thank me now, you will have done the rework, you have done the new draft of the novel of your life.  Your astrological map has been the continuing adventure it has always been, its just now you are taking another swing at the bat, and I hope it is a home run  (home as in realizing the 4th house of home life that you started from and then started running the astrological bases).  Chill and be well.

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