Big Cycles Trend to Show Long Term Changes

Why is everyone so focused on 2020? At the very core of all this attention is 1518. Why? Because this was the date of the last Saturn conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. In the zodiac, there are various planetary cycles, lunar, Mercury, Venus etc which tell the type of cycle. What is importance 2020? It is the cycle of Pluto and Saturn conjunction in Capricorn? Our attention turns to history to see what kind of things were happening in the world in that time (1518) and about and after. This is where the terrain gets a little difficult. Consider just four.

Luther nails his demands on the door of a Catholic Cathedral in Germany. This started the Reformation.

Slave trade grows dramatically as the use of Africans for slaves develops all over most of New World

Mercantile Economics starts spreading intense colonial activity for colonial expansion. Leads to wars.

English tensions with the catholic church continue until later King Vlll leaves to start the Anglican Church.

It makes one consider what the might be the ramifications the Saturn Pluto conjunction will have as the new cycle time moves on. We have a world divided over religious differences, economic,and culture. Wars in middle east, more economic trials of the creaking financial market5. Challenges from Russia and China. American leadership is hawkish and impulsive, exacerbating an already sensitive checker board. Playing the serious (Saturn) game of life is the game we should all consider. Make smart moves.


Think long term.. . .What will the next two the five years down the road be like?. Look at where you have been and how you handled that, where you made mistakes. What worked out. Then down the road a ways a couple to a few more years. Look at foundations that are strong,which are weak? They will be tested Be sure to look at your job, your relationships, where you live, hard times ahead, where it looks brighter. Consider things you have to take care of but are putting off. Be active yet pensive.

Add that every one is fearful of a global worry, climate change–it will get worse until the humans get smart about mother earth. We are a digitally affiliated world and yet must read the writing on the wall we need to unite for our planet. This blog is about a big cycles and how they work in the historical mundane record and personal progress. Be insightful and intuitive, yet sharp and critical as you trod your path.

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