Stressed Configurations Ahead

Solar Return, Two Eclipses,Planets at Crisis

When one is seriously thinking about the stars of fortune coming up, it appears to be a stressed configuration. A mix of heavy duty, polarizing energies are going to be released and the solar return of President Trump could well be a topic of interest. The solstice June 21 is coming up, right after the president’s birthday, June 14th. Trump is such a powerful man that his chart has been talked and written about by the best of astrologers trying to get some perspective, so lets start with him. At one frightening level the idea could well be argued, that as Trump goes, so does the country.

If you are into studying the planetary patterns, then Trump’s chart is a field day because there are three triangular configurations, two yods and a mutable T square with Neptune in Pisces at the focal point in second house which makes me worry about the softening of the economy as his political vision will be stretched to a point that boundaries in national and world affairs are going to come to such flux that aggression will dominate the national tone. This Neptune T square finger is part of a grand water trine as Neptune trines Moon in Scorpio and Mercury in Cancer. So the stress will be emotional, and hopefully will handled in blustering controlled negotiations. The kettle boils as issues with China, North Korea, and Iran. At home the state of the balance of the powers of the House of Representatives, the senate and the Supreme Court will be tested.

T square opposition is Mars and Saturn is exact at 18 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn. This is a powerhouse of a configuration. I don’t see how this cannot mean a large complexity of issues will cause a crisis. The solar return’s Saturn and Pluto are in the 12th that some large issue will come out. Maybe the Mueller report will be released? Perhaps. Yet I see the problem more in foreign policy where Iran will be an issue to be dealt with. Korea would be my next guess and China the last.

The summer solstice puts the powerful opposition of Mars and Mercury in Cancer in the 12th and Pluto and Saturn in the 6th into play and suggests that these problems will carry on for some time. The July 16th Lunar eclipse puts the continued power of stelliums in collision. Now we have the moon conjunct Pluto, while Saturn is in exact with Venus. Venus, sun and north node bring attention to the third and ninth houses. Venus in the third is in a wider trine to Neptune in the fifth. Communication, and flustering and saber rattling will be the norm. However the tight walk is close here because one slip could bring a war or some skirmishes which I fear will happen. Lets hope that the hot heads will cool down a little. Across the mundane playing field there are points that also place the US government in a constitutional crisis. Take your pick.

There are so many things happening it is a puzzle of power and personalities that exact dates are difficult to predict yet the zeitgeist is clear. We are headed into a few months where the United States will be the center of this looming storm. It is like a storm that will proceed to the problems brought on by the powerful conjunctions in 2020. The yods indicate that the way will not be easy and the resolutions will take a lot of insight and patience. It is a clash of cultures. Consider this time as a trailer to the main event of next year. The roller coaster we are on will then shift in high gear. More to come later. Late summer will be even more interesting as the retrogrades of the big planets will shift to direct and start moving. The game is on.

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