Getting Dramatic Drama with the Planets

Planetary Theater: The planets as Actors

Can creating a dramatic theater using the planets as actors, is an interesting way of getting a deeply personal understanding of your birth chart.

First: Know your own chart. Or use chart as a script and keep it in front of you.
Second: Start a practice dialogue by choosing two planets in aspect to each other. Best to start with an aspect you think is important in your chart.

Lets say Mars square Mercury. This means both planets are in conflict. Mars wants fire and is full of consuming energy . Mercury wants intellectual communication

Now your are the dialogue writer, you have to present both sides

Mars: Why are you so critical and mean!
Mercury: Why do you rush so much.
Mars: There you go criticizing me, rush. You hold me back.
Mercury I to think a little.
Mars Watch it now, don’t you get me mad!
Mercury Not hard to do.
Mars I am the fire, the power of life. Sex in the spring.
Mercury How about . . .

{From here — interject an a topic from your life, your chart. What houses are involved? }

Another way is to start with your own planets and just imagine what they might talk about by looking at your chart and see if there is a “hot spot” Lets say you have a very tight Saturn Venus square in your natal chart. Why not verbally ask each planet how they feel about their relationship in that aspect.
After this opening, look at other aspects that you would like to talk about. If you have other difficult aspects, say a Mars square Moon try imagining what the planets are saying and give them a voice to speak openly.
If you have larger configurations, say a T Square with Neptune, Mercury and Venus. What might each of the planets say about how they feel in the tensions of the configuration.
If you have a trine or a grand trine, what are the planets saying here in this soft aspect.

In conclusion, I think that you will find this exercise quite enlightening.

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