The Eclipse That Keeps On Giving

The August 21 2017 total eclipse has proven to a time marker in that after it, things get dicier. Hurricanes,fires, North Korea, the expanding research into the Russian connection. And today in LA we had our first earthquake in a long long time. Not that this would be any news, except this is the first quake within the city. There have been quakes in Palm Springs, Big Bear the Salton Sea, but not one in LA. The last big one was Jan. 1994. and it was preceded a series of smaller one up to the big one in North Ridge. Could this be a foreshadowing of something? I don’t know. But I do know this: This August 21 eclipse is not done doing what has already been started.

There is this theory in Eclipse Lore that it ain’t over until the bending. There are two bending points that occur when the sun is at 45 or 90 degrees from the nodal point of the eclipse, or, when a planet crosses the nodal point or if a major planet, the slower moving Saturn Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus or Pluto make a hard aspect to that point withing that six month time when the attention is turned to the new eclipse coming up (at 180 degrees). That being said, if the new eclipse is a weak one not a total one, or anular whatever the power of this one holds on.

This means that the 180 bending will occur at 17 February 2018. And the 90 degree bending will be at 22 November 2017. Mars will hit the bending in January 19, 2018.

What this means to me is that we still have a lot of energy from the August 21 totality. I fear it will mean more rough weather, an quake somewhere that will affect LA and political problems way beyond what we are having now. Not to mention that the damages from the two hurricanes we have already had may well bankrupt the insurance companies will all the damage claims from the disasters.

Some of my astrologer friends are really worried. But let me tell you the clue to getting by. 1) make your place as safe as possible, quake kits, water and food to last awhile (I have 30 days), repair anything that needs repairing 2) have batteries,a flash light or two, candles and matches, a radio and a large four recharge battery for the phone. 3) ration yourself on the news. 4) be mindful. That is all you can do. The rest is out of our control, so control the things we can. Notice the good things in the neighborhood. The trees, the young kids getting out of elementary school — life.

This may sound cynical and I suppose in one way it is. But allows one to breath simply and fully, to stay sane in an increasingly insane world.

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