Total eclipse coming August 21 20017 Yes, it is a big deal

While I realize that August is down the road. I want put the word out that, those that can, should take the time to plan vacations in the Northwest.The umbra will come ashore on the Oregon coast, west of Salem at 10:45 am and the length of the shadow will give “1 minute and 59 seconds” of totality. The length of the totality will grow to “2minutes and 40 seconds” in Southern Illinois. The line of the eclipse is actually a swath across the middle of the US.

It is good to plan where you might find the best weather. West Ways Magazine says,”Viewers should consider weather statistics.Sightings odds decrease for the Eastern U.S., according to Jay Anderson a retired meteorologist at Environment Canada with nearly 40 years of experience in studying eclipse weather,’The further east you go, the cloudier it gets.’”

If you have relatives who live along the umbra line it might be the time to pay them a visit. The next solar eclipse will be in 2019 and visible in Chile and Argentina. The next one in continental U.S. will not be until 2024. The great aspect of this eclipse is that it is possible to drive to it. And remember, as the news media picks up on the August eclipse, crowds will be making hotel reservations, and campsites will be booked up. I recommend those on the West Coast head for Portland Oregon, where there is a great culture of star gazers.

For more information, just Google it and you will have all the information you need to have a great and educational vacation.

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