Coming Fire in the Sky in Febuary, March

During the months of February, March and for some planets April, there will be an overload of planets in the element of fire. Mars, Venus and Uranus will be in Aries, Jupiter in Leo and Saturn in Sagittarius. Five planets and at certain times all will be in some degree of wide (and narrow) orb square to Pluto. And the moon will be in Fire three times in each of those signs, conjunctions and making aspects.

Consider this something of a double edged sword for those of us who like to dabble in forecasting. 1) fire is something of an aggressive element, it definitely changes things, it heats up, it burns, it changes the forms it encounters. It burns wood, melts metal, is fanned by air and can make a oven of earth and boil water. The best element to deal with fire is water, which can extinguish it. True it can boil, which it will do. At this time Pisces will be the planet that boils and also helps control the bonfire of the vanities that we will be facing.

First Mars and Venus will be together in Aries and we can look for personal romance to flourish and love will be in the air. Relationships will heat up. The will be more erotic energy than usual in the dance of the Zodiac. Fire can also indicate intuition, individualism, leadership and aggressive behavior. Throw Uranus into the mix and this personal energy becomes electric and exciting as the conflagration moves out to wider circles of personal AND social behavior. There will be wider concerns about the state of personal freedoms both here in the US as the Supreme Court takes up the challenge of another case about gay rights to marriage If a couple gets married in California can their marriage be honored in states with prohibitions against gay marriage. The abortion issue, always a barn burner, has reared its head again.

Let us never forget that Mars is the god of war and combined with Venus and Uranus there will be and expanded use of the electric in wars. Cyber attacks, on social media as well as the tried and true and still expanding hacking incidents, more on line killings, the other polarity of hate, just love in reverse (and loved by Scorpio–who is co-ruled by Mars & Pluto).

Already the 2016 drums of political war are beating and warming up caldron of Red and Blue State conflicts, the city folk versus the accrual.

So what can we hope for–that Saturn in Sag and Jupiter in Leo can keep the lid on all this and provide the leadership, the fundamental reason and pragmatic strength. Jupiter is the natural rules of the 9th house and rules law, philosophy, theology and cross cultural understanding–and we will need a lot of these qualities to keep the diplomatic and governmental structures working. The theological demands of ISIS is truly grueling and in fact tiring to western minds. The death love affair of the ISIS fanatics, willing to die for the cause (and get virgins for a reward) makes for a serious threat as we head to March and the final Uranus/Pluto square.

Uranus and the drone will become more and more an issue as the planet of computers and electrical energy will come to the front burner.

Neptune in its own sign of Pisces can offer a vision for a way out, or a deeper warped view of the spiritual play ground. It will not be easy and Pisces quincunxes Leo and squares Sag and is the poor neighbor of Aries. Can a vision for peace or the mechanisms for some kind of solution be started? Doubtful, but a vision is needed. The eclipse of cycle and March *& April may help.

The time will be trying, but the effort will be up to the task. This is a huge challenge. And while things are stressful, but note of hope must arise. Humanity has too much at stake not to figure out a way, a workaround.

A dialogue on race, for example will develop. The law enforcement issue will get more dialogue.

AND our knowledge of Pluto will increase thanks to New Horizons space probe that will spend 8 months at the planet.

Never fear Fire will cook up a new way to keep the planet and the human race going. Fire signs always lead to a down to Earth neighbor with solutions.

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