Mars goes into Scorpio will dance with Saturn

The new moon of July 26 has Mars in Scorpio squaring Sun Moon and Jupiter. No wonder things get just more and more difficult in this post Cardinal Cross months. It hardly seems like just three months ago that we had that Grand Cardinal Cross, plus a Lunar and Solar eclipse.

The violence that every astrologer around was yelling “look out” about started and snow balled, Russia/Ukraine, Syria, Israel, Iraq, planes shot down, Ebola, Children from Middle America invading our boarders, Congress still hostile and unproductive. And losing Iraq–all the Americans who died, for what? And, of course, once again the seemingly eternal Israel Palestinian problem goes crazy–rockets, iron dome, invasion, tunnels, children as shields.

Well, Mars has left his long sojourn in Libra, the gentle, to ingress into Scorpio,the sign or so many things like death, revenge, sex, inheritance, and rebirth. Mars used to rule Scorpio until Pluto and his association with the development of the atomic age and the BOMB kicked Mars off the duel ruler roll and just the guy who hangs out in Aries, the god of war, athletic contests, sex in the survival mode of phallus to the world’s ova. Mars impregnates.

Mars stays in Scorpio until September 14th. And that means it will be a very trying time. Think of this. All fixed signs will be stress. And the fixed signs of Leo has Jupiter in transit and Scorpio has Saturn. While Leo does trine Aries where Uranus is presently hanging out, Scorpio has Saturn. The great “decider” the great “realist” the judgement of judgements made. The only hope here is its trine by sign to Neptune in Pisces.

And Neptune is a hope in a way suggest a new vision MIGHT be generated.

The difficulty with all this, of course, is the occurring big dance of Uranus and Pluto, which means that the transformation energy being released in this configurations moments through direct and retrograde motion is still to be dealt with.

Things will get worse until they get better. A bromide, but bromides become bromides through constant use and the accuracy that they contribute to the situation at hand. While I am optimistic that something manageable and even positive is possible down road, as it were, when options are finally played out and the posturing is over and new real polarities of energy are formed.

I don’t know about you, but for me, I will spend more time on my yoga mat. We in LA are in a drought of huge proportions and this is an immediate concern for me. I get angry at seeing people waste water. Still, other than good action on self circumstances and a calmness of mind and soul is all that one can really ever do–another bromide. As Aunt Sara used to say, “what can you do?” It is a rhetorical question.

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