The Cardinal Cross is starting to show its Tsunami

Back in April there was this giant cardinal cross that was active for a couple of days while Mars served as the firing pin for this configuration and then moved on. Mars was retrograde and at that time there was this event with Putin getting all aggressive and generally stirring up the pot of peace with land grabs that made everyone get very nervous, but Libra Putin rather lucky–see my previous blog.

There were shouts of world war, that the whole situation was frightening (which in one sense it was). Still the whole situation, while not really cooling off, entered into a lot of diplomatic maneuvers and while everything is still stressful and high charged, the energy of the Mars seemed a little muted compared to what it might have been.

When Mars went direct and again hit the point of its trigger degree of the cross (though winding down), a much bigger threat appeared. A very savage and aggressive right wing islamist group is now pounding into Iraq. The country now seems on the very brink of civil war. And area won with the blood of US soldiers has now been taken by this ISIL group. Everyone now sees even more clearly the stupid and idiotic folly of the ‘W” years with Cheny and Rumsfeld. I digress.

Old religious wounds have been ignited in Iraq and truly this world is getting crazy. Don’t forget China, Japan, Viet Nam all battling over oil in the South China Sea.

It seems to me that this will take some very careful leadership to find some way through this. The midterm elections don’t look very promising. So, once again we must go to our meditation mats and find an inner center. The future is not clear. Yet we cannot let it dominate us. Still, we have seen that the long term repercussions from that great cross–one might say it will be our “cross to bear” for quite awhile.

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