The Great Uranus Saturn Quincunx Oct 4 2013

The question is: how important do you think a Quincunx is as an aspect. When I studied with Marion March she was one of the voices that were saying, hey, the quincunx is a major sign–it has a real impact and can be very destabilizing for people who are control people. Control people want to be able to say, this is the way, do it this way, I know a better way.k However with the quincunx the problem is the lack of control that is staggering and onerous to the control people. They are the ones that are most affected by that aspect of the nuance.

Air and Water — Uranus and Saturn : by element and planet there are some built in problems. Uranus is the polarity opposite Saturn. Uranus is cardinal, is the creative one of air and the Saturn is fixed in water – the judge of time and method — in the sign of Scorpio. While intense, Scorpio longs for rebirth, growth, even if messy. Yet Saturn does not work on any myth of rebirth–The icy possibility is always there. Saturn just has to evaluate, calculate, think that there should always be a way to improve and secure.

Wherever these two planets are in your chart, this October 4th is a time to examine your transits and where you will be when this whole aspect will be exact–and lets always go at least 2 degrees as they get in separating Saturn the faster moving planet, so the most to have felt a hit. Uranus will compel some to wonder if they have bitten off more than they can chew, that the situation will be like driving on a foggy night to a new city to boot.

The road will for awhile seem obscured. The path that you should take is not readily revealed–all that will be revealed is that changes are being made and some have already happened, or is about to happen that it is wise to step back and see how the flow is going, however small. This can be quite a boon when things look ambiguous and a little like a maze. Structures must be modified or changed BE FLEXIBLE this is key. A shift of energy is coming and to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Mindfulness should guide the approach to situation of stress.

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