Pluto, the Big Dog Is About to Get Out of the Yard

This is the first of two: Pluto is going direct September 20th. And while this may seem like a ways away for a forecast, there are a number of things to consider: First when Pluto goes direct there is a subtle shift that grows and grows. This is a slow bruising planet and all cardinal sign between 9 and 13 Capricorn need to take note. And any planets at 9 – 13 need to be looked at.k Why? because the best way to deal with Pluto is to be prepared. This means realize that some major transformations may be coming and it will most likely come to areas where changes may be difficult.

Pluto is the rules of the underworld, his gift in not the thunderbolt or the trident–it is the invisible cloak. This should give the biggest clue–you don’t see him until he is upon you. I do not mean to be an extremist in this, but over the years I have learned to be very careful of this planet. While it may not be considered a planet–its affects are one of those that astrologers can bet on. Pluto in hard aspect must be carefully watch, and if on the ASC, DC MC or IC, doubly so.

I had a client who had Pluto come to her DC and opposed her AC and she went through a long series of problems a)being pasted over from a promotion, she quit in huff, left a fortune 500 company and went into a start up–against my advice–it was run by a crazy billionaire and he was nuts, so she had to jump ship again. B) after the two years of this dance against her ascendant, she landed a fine position. But it took such work, pain and skillful adjustments. She also changed in here knowledge of the work place–she left selling ads for a large company to learning the digital market and how digital ad selling worked. She emerged with broader skills and more money–making her two years in hell pay off.

I recommend anyone with a Pluto transit coming up to read the book, WHO MOVED MY CHEESE–which discusses change in a very elemental way.

Now from October on Pluto and Uranus are within the 9th degree–within one degree orb–and which the exact conjunction is on 11/01//13–the one degree dance going on to Thanksgiving.

Is it any wonder that right now the US in considering strikes on Syria and even more Platonic episodes may be coming–air strikes and god only knows what.

In our personal lives those of us in the line of fire must know when to dig in and when to charge to front lines. This dance of Pluto can be difficult. However Pluto can eventually bring about those changes that will allow advancement, a job that needs to change, a relationship that needs to be dropped, even friendships that are in trouble, a move or financial problems that need adjustment. Deeper personal realizations may be needed, a new way of looking at life.
Pluto teaches the hard way, the teacher who is severe, the one who teaches lessons that really prepare you for the next step in life.

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