New Moon August 6 2013 Moon of Fire

The new moon in Leo presents a lot of interesting signs.
First there certainly is a very good chance of some kind of attack. Pluto opposes the midpoint Jupiter Sun in Cancer in the US eighth house.
The natural Natal sun sq Saturn is set off. And Saturn is on the US ASC.

You know, I get a little tired of making all these analyses with reference to aspects. While I am sure that for some astrologers who might be interested – this is a good thing. However for anyone else there is the desire for the kernel of the story.

Kernel: The current aspects to the US Chart are very stressful. It does look like the latent forces floating about with the big Cardinal SQ going on has found a trigger, Jupiter/Pluto. Where might this energy go. It might be a govt. agency building, but it may also be a bank or some other symbol of financial influence.

The good news is that our government may act wisely in this situation and handle it well. Not they won’t do some screw ups, but just not as many as usual.

Second: all this energy cannot bode well the may hot spots and war zones. Syria Egypt Pakistan Afghanistan Africa, the many problems with get set off in a more provocative way during the next month.


What can we say about all the world’s problems? At home within our own lives, sheltered in the US our problems tend to be around STARTING TO RELIGHT THE FIRE

I feel that across the country there is a growing feeling in all of us in some way of trying to rekindle the flame or desire, of motivation, or getting going. Here in LA it is as if everyone is rushing around to relax, if you can get that. The traffic is light. People are out of town trying to have fun. Not that they aren’t going to have fun, but it is the fun that belies the fact that we really are on a race to beat boredom.

There is a weary sense of being pounded by heavy aspects already and how can more be on the way: well, more is coming. The world is a macrocosm for the interior world of all of us. Harmony and direction is the goal. Where is it, how can we find it?

My advice to everyone. The station of Jupiter at 20 cancer is a key. The station of this giant planet which gives off more energy that it receives supplies the energy each individual needs to crank up the fall. Starting in Mid-September and going into November, the energy is coming to get a new direction. The key is to be ready.

Ready? Yes make plans for the fall, project good things happening. Imagine you are out in the sea on a surf board and in the distance you see a great wave starting to roll up. You would want to be ready, right? Well that is true of the Jupiter input this fall, a sustained out flowing of personal and domestic energy independent of the larger cardinal cross.

So right now, hunker down, plan big for the fall, don’t let this energy be wasted by not having a target of something you want to get done, or to start, or to rejoice in. In a world of dark clouds, there will be some sunshine from Jupiter if we just open the curtains and let the light in.

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