Be sure to plan your Christmas gifting budget carefully and don’t buy too early. Saturn in Sag and Jupiter in Virgo means the buying will be below last year and retailers will have to offer great bargains before the holiday. It seems as if this planetary aspects of these two large planets has made people a little more careful with their money.
Despite good labor and job reports, most of this is due to added part time jobs to help with the seasonal spending. Customers are not really that excited about spending and are recovering from the still rising market which is long overdue for an adjustment. The memory of the recession still comes up and there have been little wage increases. While the drop in gas prices has given some extra capital in the market, people are actually saving a lot of it, for these prices have fluctuated so much this year. Having seen gas at $4.75 a gallon leaves a strong memory that the cycle of up and down expenses in transportation in commutes and other essential car usage seems to have slowed some of the seasonal cycle.