The good news in that Mars will station a 9 degrees of Libra on May 19th–making this the first time in three months, during which time we experienced that Grand Cardinal Cross and had one of the most powerful configurations in years hammer our Cardinal planets–including Mars, which was retrograde at the time and muted a little the power that Mars contributed to the energy mass which generated so many crisis that many astrologers were shouting that the world was going to end, World War 3 was about to break out and our civilization was doomed.
Even in the private natal horoscopes with planets from 12 – 15 Cardinal were experiencing great problems. I had many calls from clients bewailing the world of woe that cam crashing down on them.
Now Mars in going direct and the Cardinal signs and well as planets that trine or sextile Cardinal points will be activated and we will see the first wave of relief. One might argue that Jupiter going direct was really the first wave since it has now passed the points of its squares and opposition to the 13 degree.
So what does this mean? Mars in Libra, while not the happiest planet in the solar system, Mars isn’t hip to being “fair” Still Mars will not activate us,we will feel the juices flow again, we will feel more that jumping into some new things to do with a growing sense that we can see the glimmer of optimistic hope–things that have been irritating for the last six months now show a possibility of being creative, passionate, self expressive. Our confidence in our own ability to make positive evaluations of situations will increase, relationships with working and social importance will both improve.
Life turns from exasperating to gaining a better grip on what we want to do and how to approach the future. Sex will be better, our grasp of the joys of the body, of the thrills of being out in nature will improve.
Add that Jupiter is racing through Cancer to ingress into Leo July 15 (Bastille Day) The best news here is that Jupiter will trine Saturn on May 24. New foundations are being laid. Where the mess of late April will morph into a solid effort on getting things done. Larger picture: the expansive nature of Jupiter and the realistic and measured analysis of Saturn. Patience in the past troubling energy fields of the last six months will coalesce into work and plans for the future that are looking better, the forecast is for progress, positive progress.
Rejoice that the great planets are moving on from the Grand Cardinal Cross and the winds and tides that have been stormy will now calm into waters where we can find smoother sailing and the trade winds have returned.