Meditation During the “Cardinal Climax”

With so many people talking about the complex and definitely powerful celestial events coming up–Uranus has just entered Aries at this writing–the question that I get from clients and friends is: With all these different energies sloshing about, what can I do?

I think the answer is: meditate and keep your personal energy field as clear as possible. As astrologers and other advocates of a new consciousness, it important that we walk the walk like we talk it. The stresses that are still going to unfold in this summer and early fall have already made it difficult to watch the news. The oil spill, the environment, the economy, continuing political posturing, the wars, the ethnic strife, all make it hard to even look at the news media for fear of the next crisis or the continuing unraveling of the list we already are facing.

The answer on a personal level for me is meditation. Meditation brings a deep awareness of the greater space within and without. It does not take a genius to know that life involves suffering. As Joseph Campbell noted, “Life feeds on life.” Look at the food chain. Animals feed on each other. We are part of the cycle. Granted in our best moments we can choose love and compassion, but it has to be coming to us from an inner point of the soul and spirit, that space where love can start.

Meditation, an orthodox friend told me, is just secular prayer. Well, if praying helps, then pray. However for those who have not found a particular religion to work for them, meditation is what works for me and many others. It is not a thing about religion. Meditation is really at the core of a larger mystical format which brings one to a larger spiritual reality that transcends all religions and is yet a part of all of them.

Mediators have been tested and certified by western science to have less stress, to be able to cope with difficult situations with greater insight and to be balanced in overview of the higher dimensions of life.

So–meditate. No matter what the news is, no matter what personal problems may arise during this period so glibly defined as the Cardinal Climax. Meditation can help focus the mind and spirit on a higher matrix to which all within the bio-field of planet earth.

Find the time, make the time, to sit down and be aware of your breath coming and out of your body. Keep your focus on the miracle of the now in you. Start with where you are and work out from the breath. The universe itself is like the out breath of, say, the big bang and the black holes are the in breath bringing it all back to the core. Granted this probably too simple an analogy, but it makes the point.

What we have learned from the Hubble pictures is how vast and beautiful the universe is. While we are travelers on this merry-go-round, meditation is way find a center. To spend a few moments in the peace of the self and the infinite that is within and without will provide that inner strength we need to face whatever life tosses at us individually and collectively.

And finally, let me conclude by saying what a unique life we are living to be able to see this particular juncture in human history. The World Village of Bucky Fuller, this Spaceship Earth, is a reality. The internet has brought us all together. We are able to know moment by moment what is going on anywhere on the planet. Now we must learn to do, as Auden said in 1939, we must learn to love one another or die. It is our challenge. And this summer will be one where human resources will be tested.

Meditate. It is that still point in a spinning world that the ancient masters were talking about.

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