This is a time when we are all are going to ask: What going on here? Why? The reason is that big powerful planets have been going retrograde and now direct and ingressing (moving into) BIG SIGN CHANGES. We NEED A STRONG UNDERSTANDING HERE ABOUT OUR MOMENT IN HISTORY. WE HAVE TO WAKE UP!

Neptune goes into Aries
Pluto fully in Aquarius
Saturn into Aries
Jupiter into Cancer
Uranus into Gemini
Mars into Cancer off and on for 18 months 6 weeks in Leo)

You can see this list. This shows a huge number of thing we need to digest!I am writing this forecast and eclipse Oct 2 2024 and in six months down the road all this change will be our new reality. Pluto changes sign every15 -26 years and Neptune 23 – 40 years
When Pluto entered Capricorn we got a 2008 market crash and recession. Covid, Israel war. The Ukraine invasion. Challenged elections We also got first Afro-American President, medical breakthroughs, smarter electronic growth we could hardly keep up. Pluto in Aquarius brings AI and big challenges. There will be a growing conviction that the people of this planet will have big challenges to face. Like Bob Dylan said “The times they are a changing.” Let’s look:

Neptune entered Pisces in 2004 too much to list Iraq then Afghanistan etc. but you get the stuff from being in Pisces when Pluto was marching through Capricorn—oh yeah, Stocks crashed in 2008 the pandemic. 2020. Now we get Neptune moving into Aries. Pluto into Aquarius. Big and strong shifts in ideological, metaphysical concepts, breaking own of old boundaries of the zeitgeist, spiritual influences, imagination. New visions for world.

Uranus changes sign every seven years – Tauris to Gemini—Challenges in communication. Where is the truth? What is fake news, what lighting striking changes will happen. Electronic emerge with swift arrival of new advances in things like AI will put stress on all parts of our ethical and unethical uses.

Saturn in Aries Serious issues with volitivity seeking stability all across the board. There will be aggressive plans to change structures to new foundations. What are the structures that make a new existentially viable ideas in government, society and political concepts

Jupiter in Cancer often directed towards home and family. Energy will be expensive in family and core values. Hope for peace and resolution of differences. We are all Earth dwellers, the greater identity – lets work it out. The planet is one big family and there is the biggest threat yet in claimant change. We need more stress on concepts and a philosophy which reins in pollution before it is too late.

BIG POINT THAT HAS TO BE AWARE OF: Pluto into Aquarius and Neptune in Aries. These outer planets show the challenges coming. Think back to 2004—that is just 20 years ago. Neptune entered Pisces. These planets with the back drop of a Saturn that plopped in on 2008 cannot be underestimated. 2025 here we come. Stay tune as I will start more specific changes emerge from the six months we are starting to go into now. Uranus dances into Gemini. Media out of control.

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Maybe the Goddess Can Help

Yoga Spandakaika When God is a Goddess

It might seem strange for an astrologer to do a blog on a system of yoga that was the origins of Tantra, but has a distinct interest because it has a strong surprise, It is a Goddess who “The venerated Shanti (source opens her of all energy) OPENS HER EYES AND THE UNIVERSE IS ABSORBED IN PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. SHE CLOSES THME AND THE UNIVERSE I ABSORBED WITHIN IN HER.

As an astrologer I have listed to countless women astrologers (and very great ones too—like trail blazer Marion March, the mother of UAC the biggest astrological convention on the planet. She took no prisoners, if you catch my drift). Only Venus and the Moon were the femine in astrology. This is because the rise of the Paternal took over from the Maternal Goddesses.

This is why when the asteroids showed up, they became goddesses, Ceres, Pallas Athene, Vesta, Juno. This gave more welcome to the feminne spirit.
This is why I am talking about Yoga Spandakaika. Feminne power of the universe.
We are heading into some very turbulent times in the years ahead. Shifts of unbelievable force on the earthquake as the coming years. And what I am offering is one of my suggestions of coping with new era.

A special world view is that we meditate into a giant sphere. Where with we get to the origin of the Sacred Tremor. Stay with me. This takes a lot of spiritual practice.

However if you are like me, you wonder—what help can I get. The answer is in the end of the book where there are many pointers of dealing with the Goddess:
“Since there is no difference between the Shakti and the one who embodies her between substance and object, the Shakti is identical to the Self. The energy of the flames is nothing but Fire”.

This is beyond Quantum if you ask me. I read try to understand it from time to time.

In light of what I think the next five years are going to be, we all need to have a contact with the inner Self help to keep us in connected to a greater reality. Look at it like a major Neptune transit changing signs to Aries for years to come. After what Neptune with did in its passage through Pisces. And Pluto moving from Capricorn to Aquarius, both in process happening NOW into the to fully blossoming Tsunami on its way. Our boat will rocks and large waves. The Goddess with protect your soul.

What I recommend is to get the know the Goddess. She will help you on your journey. Or what metaphysical grace cradles you.

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ParadIgm Shift Climax


Pluto starts with the beginning of a new paradigm shift, which is probably the defining event of 2024. Why? This is the year Pluto moves into Aquarius and will stay there for 20 years! This alone will bring huge events which will vibrate though out the world and AFFECT EVERYONE. Combine this with Jupiter changing signs from Cancer to Gemini and it is time to ROCK AND ROLL! PLUS! The other big planets move into different positions. Mars is trigger-happy. Venus is playing with a tuning fork looking for harmony. Eclipses are all on key degrees –as an elemental sift goes from Earth to Air.

For those of you are wondering what the hell I am talking about let me start with first things first. PLUTO the big daddy of 2024.


If you want to know about someone or something, you look them up. Pluto has a bad reputation. Lets look at the history of the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 1778 – 1791 it was the time of revolution. The French Revelation. It was a time of huge social unrest. The US revolution was just over. The Constitution was just signed in 1784.

But lets look at the results of Pluto in Capricorn 2008 – 2023 Big stock market crash. Great Recession. There was the Pandemic, a world crisis. Large social polarization. The internet turned out to create problems. The good news in that medication had great advances. Fought the pandemic, cancer, and many other important advances. Computers and iPhones went though great advances.
What can we expect with Pluto in Aquarist? Politics, polarizations , finance, AI, mental health, Climate change, Weather problems, population, agriculture, water, and others which I will not list.

Lets look for the better side – JUPITER goes into Gemini There will be better attempt to get better communication, possible plans to make plans for the future to be envisioned. More efforts avoid the polarization in so many.


One must find ways to develop strong ways to nurture yourself and your soul. Find ways to find your own special ways to get to this. Meditation, nature walks in parks or by water, rivers, lakes, and ocean, read literature that promotes an understanding of spiritual beingness, yoga, find silence. Study how to break bad habits. Live in the now.


The continued point that Saturn and Neptune are still interacting in Pisces is hopeful. Neptune wants spiritual and emotional foundations in this coming time of chaos. Saturn wants stability and steady growth. Thus these two will be looking for a way to help find new foundations. Neptune the dreamer the visionary will generate lots of ideas some workable and some not. Saturn will sort through these offerings of Neptune, some will pass by the measurements according to its standard of viable and constructive.

Where ever you have Pisces should to watched with care for which ever house this comes in will help you with this way to sort out you own new boundaries and clear up a suitable path for you.


Mars and Venus will conjunct ( be at the same degree) in Aquarius. After that they will travel at different speeds. Mars ending up in Leo and Venus in again in Aquarius (having finishing a complete cycle of her yearly orbit).Consider these capable of as triggers which will light your fire with sudden sparks of insight and opportunities which must be followed up on.


Lunar March 25 Lunar
April 8 2024 Solar
September 18 Lunar
October 2 Solar

Mark these days with strong energy that could set times that signal important activities or news messages.

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Notes for Key 2024 Dates

Major Astronomical/Astrological and Other Events in 2024

01/01/24 – Mercury stations direct 22 Sagittarius 11’
01/20/24 – Pluto returns to Aquarius
01/26/24 – Moon Wobble Ends???
- Uranus stations Direct 19 Taurus 05’
– All Planets now direct, “Pure Progress” zone
02/07/24 – Saturn 7 Pisces 13’ enters His “Pure Progress,” the zone He will only
transit once. Pure Progress is Enhanced.
02/09/24 – New Moon 20 Aquarius 41’ – Chinese New Year of the Dragon
02/13/24 – Mars conjunct Pluto 0 Aquarius 46’
03/19/24 – Moon Wobble Begins????
03/23/24 – Saturn 12 Pisces 42’ leaves His “Pure Progress” zone.
03/24/24 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 5 Libra 07’ – Saros 113
04/01/24 – Mercury stations Retrograde 27 Aries 13’
04/08/24 – New Moon total Solar Eclipse 19 Aries 24’ – Saros 139 or 8 North
04/10/24 – Mars conjunct Saturn 14 Pisces 41’
04/20/24 – Jupiter conjunct Uranus 21 Taurus 50’
04/21/23 – Moon Wobble Ends????
04/25/24 – Mercury stations Direct 15 Aries 59’ Virgo 06’
04/28/24 – Mars conjunct Neptune 28 Pisces 52’
– Mercury stations Direct 21 Leo 25’
05/02/24 – Pluto stations Retrograde 2 Aquarius 06’
05/25/24 – Jupiter enters Gemini
06/15/24 – Moon Wobble Begins????
06/21/24 – Full Moon 1 Capricorn 07’ – First of Two in Capricorn
06/29/24 – Saturn stations Retrograde 19 Pisces 26’
07/01/24 – Neptune stations Retrograde 29 Pisces 56’
07/15/24 – Mars conjunct Uranus 26 Taurus 19’
– Republican National Convention begins in Milwaukee
07/18/24 – Republican National Convention ends.
07/19/24 – Moon Wobble Ends????
07/21/24 – Blue Full Moon 29 Capricorn 29’
07/26/24 – Chiron stations Retrograde 23 Aries 32’
08/04/24 – Mercury stations Retrograde 4 Virgo 06’
08/14/24 – Mars conjunct Jupiter 16 Gemini 41’
08/19/24 – Democratic National Convention Begins in Chicago (remember 1968?)
08/22/24 – Democratic National Convention Ends.
09/01/24 – Pluto returns to Capricorn
– Uranus stations Retrograde 27 Taurus 15’
09/12/24 – Moon Wobble Begins????
09/17/24 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 25 Pisces 41’ – Saros 118
10/02/24 – New Moon Solar Eclipse 10 Libra 04’ – Saros 144 or 8 South
10/08/24 – Jupiter stations Retrograde 21 Gemini 20’
10/11/24 – Pluto stations Direct 29 Capricorn 38’
10/15/24 – Moon Wobble Ends????
11/05/24 – Presidential Election
11/15/24 – Saturn stations Direct 12 Pisces 42’
11/19/24 – Pluto returns to Aquarius
11/25/23 – Mercury stations Retrograde 22 Sagittarius 40’
12/06/24 – Mars stations Retrograde 6 Leo 10’
– Moon Wobble Begins????
12/07/24 – Neptune stations Direct 27 Pisces 08’
12/11/24 – States issue certification of election results
12/15/24 – Mercury stations Direct 6 Sagittarius 24’
12/17/24 – Electors vote in their states
12/25/24 – Electoral votes must be received by the President of the Senate and the
– Archivist
12/29/24 – Chiron stations Direct 19 Aries 00’
12/31/24 – 2024 ends in Moon Wobble with the Moon out-of-bounds South, Mars out-of-bounds North, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus retrograde, and Mercury unexpected and still in their Shadow.

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Chiron the Wounded Healer and Teacher

Let Me Tell You about Chiron-the Healer and Teacher

The first thing most of astrologers learned about centaur Chiron was that we really didn’t know what it was, but there is a number of bodies called Centaurs. It was too large for an asteroid too small for a planet, so it was named Chiron who was one of the centaurs group with an unusual orbit with a great mythological reputation. He is called the “wounded healer,” and “great teacher”, possibly with more emphasis on the first word in that phrase than second. But I think that misses the whole point! He is truly both. Let me explain. . ..

It’s true that even the happiest and (seemingly) most together people are dealing with private pain or feelings of inadequacy. But we’re trained to hide, downplay or protect what we feel vulnerable about, whether that’s a deep dark secret or a pervasive sense of unworthiness and shame. By being a great healer he can focus on mental and physical health. It more than a healer of our wounds, but also TEACHER who shows us ways to understand the personal stressed situation and teach ways to heal oneself. After all it is human nature to believe that anything that makes us feel less than great (or even just good enough) is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Without pain, sadness or a feeling of inadequacy, few of us would ever seek relief. I don’t mean the kind of “cure” that comes in a bottle, out of the frig are merely masks of the symptoms. Whatever our core wound is, answers come when we sincerely seek relief, we want discover the help it is to evolve in this teacher’s points of insight. See and understand where something in our own personal operating system is broken and it’s generally some limiting negative beliefs that have been buried deep in our psyche. To truly heal—and spiritually evolve—we need to shift out of that self-defeating mindset and embrace our brilliant essence, finding that sweet spot between self-advocacy and superciliousness.

Chiron’s function is to wake us up from the illusion of separateness, competition and anxious hopelessness we’ve unconsciously created or accepted and then guide us to do the soul-level work we came in to do. The reward for that is discovering and getting to joyfully pursue our soul’s intention for this lifetime.

Once we understand that our core wound isn’t a fluke or random mistake—it’s an essential ingredient in the divine, mysterious recipe designed to expand our consciousness—everything shifts. There are no more “winners” or “losers,” no victim-rescuer-perpetrator paradigm to escape from. Chironic healing teaching leads to the liberating awareness that nothing is happening to us; it’s actually happening for us.

Chiron teaches a type of our personal hero’s journey. The last of this note is to check out where Chiron is in your natal chart to see how it points where a potential long-term sensitive problem abounds. Or check where the transit is in your chart. You will learn about mythological and archetypal situations that Chiron will show you how his cycles are actually wonderful opportunities to do deep personal work. Look at the potentials for healing and transformation with Chiron in the your different houses and signs. It’s my hope that you’ll go on line and learn more. Or you can get a good professional astrological reading. You can find my phone number on this website (hint)!

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Big Energy Shift As Eclipse Powers It All

“April is the cruelest month”
— The Waste Land – - T.S.Eliot

Why might I start this forecast with this quote? Hint—I think the Hybrid Solar Eclipse in April 19th 2023 is the most important event in this season of eclipse cycle. There are other of events like Pluto squaring Jupiter in May, and Mars in Leo making a very powerful T Square, certainly the month of May an is earthquake. However the square of Pluto to the hybrid eclipse at the 29 degree 50 seconds of Aries is my choice. I consider it in orb for Taurus to also be involved only 10 seconds off. That’s an orb that cannot be denied. That is why it called hybrid.

I call this square the main point that can be the key to the chaos that followed.
The primer is the rough ride in 2023. Pluto has gotten its entry into Aquarius on a waxing power of a new moon. Boom. And the Lunar Eclipse that follows is another stick of dynamite.

Want to get perspective? When Pluto entered Capricorn January 20008, we got the great recession. Remember that? Saturn conjoined Pluto January 11, 2020. We got the pandemic. Pluto has earned to our attention.

Pluto entering Aquarius is only for a few weeks and it retrogrades back in Capricorn and enters Aquarius at the beginning of 2024. However lets look at what has first popped up. AI has suddenly reared it head. Now my nephew has AI on his computer and it can do anything from write Astrology lectures, contracts, haiku (yes) that are decent haiku! It wrote an intro to a show opening of an Artist friend. The list could go on and on. These AI can learn on their own! Writers will make a big strike over AI possibly writing scripts, as well ovcourse as pay and residuals.

Robotics! Where will workers go when their jobs a taken up by robotics. I have seen robots that could play soccer, do backflips, things like unload a truck. They go up and down stairs better than athletes. They have them that actually look human and can talk and dance. The clue to this power of Aquarius was made manifest that the pandemic vaccine started real progress, when Saturn entered Aquarius, in July 2020.

Let me give you an overview: First after an incredible conjunction with the solstice at December 2022, Jupiter raced through the rest of Aries up to May when Jupiter plows into Taurus. This means that all this fire energy is running into earth. The fixed Taurus will have to try to settle things down when actually things are going to threaten chaos. Fundamental rights, social growth, prejudices of all kind. The construction will be seriously challenged as before, book banning, free speech, challenges to changing the history of slavery, race, the battle of WOKE, voting rights, the treatment of the citizens to fair play. In some states have reduced to lower the age of kids to work. Really.

There is MORE. With Saturn just entering Pisces Neptune there will be questions of boundaries, ideas, structures that need change but how. Saturn in Pisces also shows that rule of law will be constantly challenged. Police will have to change, but how? The divide of the Red and Blue states will worsen.

Jupiter wants to expand; it wants to build up steam to do things. It wants philosophical broad minded, religious, enthusiastic, freedom loving, generous, big business to get things going, morality vision aspirations. It is Zeus in Greek, the great God ruling Olympus, ruler prosperous. Jupiter in Taurus wants slow change, not the earthquake that is coming. New structures on all levels need to be built but how, what is the new Para dyne? Neptune will flood the times with waves of ideas, black and white haze many lights of possibilities, elation and depression. We haven’t touched on climate change, actual wars, drought, feeding the planet. But I am tired and can’t think about it. All is and more will bring a chaos that tests us. People now say that mental health crisis will grow. And next April a Jupiter and Uranus conjunction will accentuate to a big bang in testing our civil institutions including the Supreme Court.

What do you ask? Have a personal “quiet place” where you can be with a meditative state and relax commune with the great karma behind all this. Turn off the media and know there is a palace in your consciousness that can sustain the peace of breath, of being alive. Take a psychic sauna and feel the blessing it is to connect to the “Force” that spiritual state that communes with the inner peace of oneness. Think of the nano of it all. As above so below.

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What a Big Wave of Planets Changing This Year

Okay lets take a real good look at the way 2023 is going to evolve Hunter Thompson style. Imagine you are in the ocean and you see a monster set of waves coming, a tsunami. You know that this going to be a great big challenge to your surfing skills. Four planets are going to change signs by the end of Spring! And these are big planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. And Mars will move into Cancer on way to running like a trigger the rest of the year covering half of the zodiac after being so long in Gemini so long we wondered if he would ever get over his retrograde He will with a screaming water trine with Saturn in Pisces and Mars blasting into Cancer, a water time at the end of March! This cosmic trigger is of academy award potential. Emotions will run high.

Before the issue like in what Jupiter in Aries will do with all that fire/earth finding movement lets look at Pluto. The real star at one level is Pluto. Lets review: Pluto came into Capricorn in 2008—like remember that was the year of the great recession. Bad mortgage bonds killed the economy. Banks in some places went bust. Goldman Sachs was in that group. War in Iraq was still blazing after 9/11 but that wasn’t enough there was the joy of expanding to Afghanistan war had started getting real serious as time burned along. Neither ended until later 2021 by our pulling out with Trillion of debt. And then the War in Ukraine, which is really US versus Russia as we ship Ukraine billions plus equipment. By the by at the beginning of the Vietnam build up Pluto and Uranus were conjoined with Uranus. See. Pluto can get us in real trouble.

Then Saturn and Pluto conjoined in January 11 2020 and what did that deliver? Try Covid and the Pandemic, which is simmering in the world. Also chart of the US enjoyed a Pluto return – since 1777. Whole US adventure as a nation has used up one Pluto cycle. Just lately gave us 1/6/2021 insurrection.

What is the hope? Well Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 24 2023, actually his toe, but that announces a shift where Pluto can bring a new energy. Of course he will retrograde back into Capricorn to deal with the many political, environmental, economic, and social change will be his final gestures before he finally makes his ingress into Aquarius complete in 2024. Look for long needed advance in all technology. Hope that the science of Aquarius can help the planet from climate change. AI will be amazing. How can we be so advanced, go the Mars, etc., and be so out of it at home.
When Pluto is “all in” Aquarius maybe that famed age will start! People has been saying it for some time, it is even a source of debate

Saturn goes into Pisces and I have high hopes for this tough Saturn Pisces match up. See I grew up with Allen Watts, a great philosopher and he called that there is a way that covers the powers of water. He called it the “Water Way.” Water finds a way over, of around, or just soaking and rusting (even Iron is whipped). Water with the Fire of Jupiter is interesting. When this starts the match up is sextile, Jupiter in Aires will give two things with Saturn in Aquarius — the push of a powerful configuration. Then later in the year Jupiter goes to Taurus and Saturn in Pisces, another sextile. This creates great opportunism. So the Tsunami has the wish hope. This surf could bring some action besides a hard breaker.

Lets look at Mars and move on from the horns of the bull and the up Crab. Lets first list the signs will travel through after it goes direct. March 23. Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra Scorpio, Sagittarius. All elements will be activated and have a chance to be a TRIGGER in all aspects to ELEMENTS. Good ole Mars on the prowl.

What is a trigger? A trigger when Mars sets off aspects that create and energy push for a couple of days or so. That energy on certain times triggers something so intense that it sets off something that may happen at the time of the trigger. Or it makes take some time. Example I got a call asking me if I wanted to meet this certain agent. I did and we hit it off and I got a writing deal. It was during a Mars Mercury aspect. That was the first phone call. It took time for everything to fall into place.

So it is very important to watch for a Mars trigger, all fast moving personal planets give this a shot. But will Mars leaving Gemini from retrograde Mars will have a particular opportunity.

The Mars trine Saturn at the end of March is such a trine that could bring a breakthrough. Something might start going smooth. It depends. There are triggers down the road. Say there are hard angles to Saturn when Mars hits Virgo.
Then the strength of the square needs to take in a lot of energy in conflict, and some smooth. This needs a careful examination of the earlier trine. What are the houses involved. Lets say a Mars trines Saturn in Cancer but Venus has a square to the Uranus in Taurus . Now that would be tricky, this could trigger a problem. Issues Venus has a square to Uranus have to be dealt with to consider conflicting triggers.

There you have it 2023 opens with a bang, Like how when it takes 26 votes to get a Speaker of the House, which
hasn’t happened in over a century Lots of action for Saturn is still in Aquarius stirring up the pot! Wax up your surf board, it will be such a big wave. Hopefully as Jupiter moves into Tarsus in late May the energy will shift and some things slow down. Still we will have the Jupiter Uranus conjunction end of April 2024. That is something to think long term about. But I digress.

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Venus Key Words on Both Sides

Venus key words

I was taught astrology by Marion March, author of seven books and a real scholar. When dealing with meanings of Venus,most people are content with calling Venus the goddess of love and beauty. Well there are many more ways to look at what Marion gave to us in her basic class.

Venus rules love, art, culture, aesthetics, possessions (beautiful ones) think of Taurus ruled by Venus which loves possession s. Partner’s beauty charm good taste, sentimentality, sweets and sugar, color, harmony, poetry, paintings, jewelry, singing, drama and music, Venus action is gentle and harmonious. Govern emotional contacts, tenderness, moral character, marriage and unions of all kinds. Also sociability, disposition, luxuries, plus pleasure, and appreciation. Excellent food, fine wine, Venus is the goddess love, not sex (Mars).

Wow, that is a much boarder definition. Let’s look at negative Venus and think of the darker side of Venus. Jealousy, envy, immoral, schemer, lies, will breakup other relationships, selfish, gossip, bad taste, deceitful, harlot, sin, courtesan, adultery, ugly, bad taste, rivalry, temptress, self centered, vileness, liars, unsavory. Meddling, masochism, heartless, gluttony, vain, depravity,

Rumi: You must have shadow and light source.

I think this brings to mind Jung’s concept of the shadow in the quest for personal growth, also the Ying and Yang symbol, and also the concept of pulsing polarities. Knowing the function of this polarity is central to getting the whole spectrum of the possible impact of the planet.


I am not an astrologer who is just sweetness and pink. There are two sides of Venus and it important that you look at your chart and see what the real location and aspects your Venus has. My Venus is sq. Uranus in Virgo. I had a lot to learn about my Venus, let me tell you. Recognizing it was a good start in understanding myself and what makes me tick. I helped me to know more about my emotional response to aspects of my life. It is sign of a maverick, which is why I am doing this note. This makes me a critic of many many sides of all questions and ideas, not as emotional as most. This is not a simple gush.

When you get a reading from me, it is no Disney land. We will look at both sides of the coin. In the end it will help you understand more of your chart and the map of your life.

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Pluto Return Will Be Trying

On the Mundane (outlook for world and national events) Front: This year looks like it will involve a lot of disruption. The international outlook will be dependent on what happens after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Even after the war has concluded, there will be the difficulty of maintaining any kind of peace. The potential problem is Putin’s drive to control how he deals with many problems for Russia and the sanctions put on it. Putin ( Libra Sun, Scorpio rising and Moon in Gemini) will be on psychological pressure that may make him more unstable (what stable man starts a war?} He has already caused economic problems for the world community. The shockwaves of this will not go away for some time. So don’t look for this situation to have a silver lining. The price of oil with cause a world inflation that has not been seen in quite a quite a while. (More on this later)

The United Sates will have a difficult time (I do not intend to sound like a grumpy Gus) because of the Pluto return that is going on in the chart of the United States. What is the Pluto return all about? It is the time when transiting Pluto returns to where it was when the declaration of Independence the United State rebelled against England and wanted to create a free republic. The last return was it 1856 a time where conflict between north and south states about the question of slavery was starting to get hot. There were small conflicts between neighboring militia. Sounds familiar?

Back to the concept of the idea of the Pluto return. To give an example of the potential of this Pluto return is to think about the Saturn Return a person’s chart, a time of difficulty. Well the Pluto return is like trouble on steroids. The power is so great.

The first thing in the background astrology is that there was the Saturn conjunct Pluto in 2020 in Capricorn. Something that hadn’t happened since October in the sixteenth century, which saw the beginning of the reformation. Religions rebelled and the world shifted At the time of 2020 it brought the pandemic, as well as race uprisings, which cause wide spread problems. And the beginning of the even wider divisions of the population.

The one of the biggest problems this year is the price of oil. Inflation rides on the price of oil from the tractor cost to farmer to plant and harvest to the trucks that move all of our products use gas. The food to grocery stores gets there by gas. People commute to jobs. Etc., You get the picture. Everyone will feel the pinch. It will be like a tumble of dominos.

This inflation will be the primary underlying problem of the election, which will be chaotic and full of outrageous political conflicts and the vote will be contested. The Solar eclipse in October 25 to the Lunar eclipse ON ELECTION DAY the race up to the election and its outcome will present so many grave problems in the republic and a test to democracy.

The Pluto has three hits in 2022 in its return. More later as we continue to follow the action as the months build up to a crescendo. The joke in my group of friends is “Perhaps the UFOs will come down and save us.”

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Pluto Emerges On the Scene

Just when we thought we could take a break and enjoy the freedom and potential peace of the vaccinated, Pluto has to be considered as a crasher to the party. We just got over the Saturn conjunct Pluto, which brought the covid virus. Then we had to deal with Saturn and Uranus going at it. We have had riots and marches, elections contested; everybody thinks everybody else is crazy. Wasn’t that enough, Pluto? But no, the planet Pluto now is giving us the emotional trauma of a return to where it was when the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence 248 years ago. This is called as Pluto Return and in all the history books this has been trough times.
Let me explain. Whenever a person, place or thing has Pluto in it chart’s placement that is a point for a possible Pluto Return. But no one lives long enough. And it is a dangerous aspect. Why so important to us? Because Pluto is now to have a return for the United States and this will truly be a huge historical event. It will last roughly two years from February 19th 2022 to November 11th 2023.
Pluto aspects are grinders, they do not come all at once, it comes in like a natural slow earthquake rumbling and bumbling along. Pluto is the planet of transformation, a polite word for an ongoing energy that brings hard changes; it will bring to the surface and then chip away on anything that is problematic for growth. Even if it is the destruction of the old and the emergence of something new and different, it may bring a kind of chaos that seeks new order. And the United States with democracy threatened and autocratic ideas gaining strength, this becomes serious.
Oh, I forgot to mention Climate Change which is raising its head and we are seeing the weather changing and both flowing weather and drought move through the world. How will crops grow? How will we feed this world, how to give it the water it needs for people to drink and to water our agriculture
These are the concerns of the Pluto return for the United States. It starts and ends in the second house of the Sibley Chart. Let me say how I see this placement. The second house is the house is the home of our deepest values. Usually for most people and governments this means money. So lets start with that. In the chart the second house is ruled by Capricorn, an earth sign that has a great concern for monetary power. But lets say two years at crossing over one point is only one side of the concept of power. Power can first relate to monetary systems, which brings in the economic energy of political systems. But there are other kinds of power, there are systems: social systems, cultural, as well as the needs of the masses. So lets just say that Pluto in the second house ruled by Saturn transiting through in Aquarius ruled by transiting Uranus means there is also the power of change for the individual, humanity, also the potential of disturbing energy force in that the systems that need evolutional change to grow, but in this case may well be a revolutions, or revolution’s energy, the need for change in so many infrastructures. In this way, Pluto in the second house will touch all our lives in dramatic ways that may be disconcerting and upsetting. Life on the planet and the US is in for shake up.
We must look at that further and we will, in coming articles. Change is coming.

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